Hey there, Electrifier here! I am working on a family-friendly animated comedy series. It follows the adventures of a young, somewhat intelligent though also naieve ape (whom I do not have a name for yet), his idiotic yet caring friend George, his nerdy yet friendly pal Otto, their sporty friend Sarah, and their gluttonous boss Mr. Bossman and his wife. The scripts are of varying length, I just write them to whatever length they feel complete. The style of humor is somewhat similar to popular shows like SpongeBob SquarePants and The Simpsons. I have already written the scripts for the first couple of episodes, and the styles of humor I use include clever plays on words and visual gags, exaggerated reactions to simple events, humorous blank stares, veiled pop culture references, hidden adult jokes etc. The plots are relatively simple, and it is an episodic concept, so you do not need to see the first one to see the second one. The idea is that the titular island (which hosts the main characters) is located somewhere that humans have never been to, though it still takes place in the present day. Real-life human inventions have "ape"-oriented counterparts (such as banana-phones instead of regular phones, coco-bowling instead of bowling, owning sloths instead of cats etc.). The series always has a lighthearted tone and does not delve into serious current events or even darker styles of humor most of the time, although there are occasional exceptions. The music style is bouncy, lighthearted, somewhat classic and archaic simultaneously. The art style is pretty simple, the only things all of the characters have in common is having nothing between their eyes and always have four fingers.
Apey (Current placeholder name, needs a real one): Very kind-hearted and good-natured ape, though not extremely so. He has a pretty even cynical-positive ratio, and though he would do anything for his friends he does have a selfish, greedy or sinful side which is demonstrated in some episodes. Very much the "Everyman" of the series, often finds himself in very relatable situations. Works at the "Tools-N-Trade" workshop.
George: Idiotic and rather excitable yet very friendly ape. Never wears shoes, and has a greedy side, though loves frolicking and playing games with his best friend Apey. Unlike the "Everyman" Apey, George is much more of a "Screwball" type character.
Otto: Nerdy and cynical yet simultaneously nice, Otto is another friend of Apey's. However, he does not get along very well with George. Also works at the "Tools-N-Trade" workshop.
Sarah: Apey's sporty female friend, plays games with him when George and Otto aren't available. Has a good relationship with all of the characters, and is a regular customer at the "Tools-N-Trade" workshop.
Mr. Bossman: His first name is unknown, but considering his last name is "Bossman", he is born to boss! The gluttonous C.E.O of "Tools-N-Trade" workshop, has a mixed relationship with his wife and with his employees
The Crew (So Far):
Me (Electrifier) — Creative Lead, Writer, Animator
inkyAnimationsInc — Animator, Writer
InsularSkunk — Voice of Apey
Krampus — Voice of TBA
GrantTheHierophant — Voice of Mr. Bossman
esnopen — Voice of Otto
LuckyDee — Voice of TBA
Gohtrina -- Voice of Sarah
freshfamiliar — Background artist
GulliDuffy — Artist
PerKGrok — Character design
DRCranium — TBA
ppen123 — Music
glotaloch — Music
APM Music — Music
Freesound.org — Sound FX
More info coming soon!